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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 13:31-38
This content is part of a series.

Glory and Love (36 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 13:31-38
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 13. I want to talk tonight about Glory and Love.

Now, how many have heard the phrase, "Talk turkey. Let's talk turkey?" Has anybody heard that phrase? Anybody use that phrase? You know, that phrase has been around a long time. We have a lot of idioms in English. That's one of the things when people are learning English from another country, they say English is hard to learn because we have idioms that don't make sense to them. You know, "You're pulling my leg." They don't know what you're talking about with that. "Talk turkey" is another one that they wouldn't understand what you're saying, but we know what that means. To talk turkey is an idiom that means "let's talk frankly, let's talk openly, let's talk practically." It was a term that came about from colonial times, and it has been stated that when the colonists would barter with the Indians, they would barter with wild turkeys. And so, that phrase, "Let's talk turkey" came into being. There's a story that's kind of folklore, but some have said this is kind of the essence of the phrase, "Talk turkey." There was a colonist and an Indian named Wampum, and they went out together to hunt. And they spent the day hunting and at the end of the day all they had was one turkey and one crow. And so, the white man said to the Indian, "Wampum, I'll give you the choice. You have the choice. You can take the crow, and I can take the turkey, or I can take the turkey, and you can take the crow." And the Indian thought about that for a moment, and he says, "Ug! You don't talk turkey to me one bit. There's no turkey in that choice for me." Let's talk turkey. Let's talk openly and frankly and honestly and practically.

Well, in John 13, beginning in verse 31, all the way through the end of John 17, Jesus is talking turkey with His disciples. Judas has left. The Bible says that t ...

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