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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 13:18-30
This content is part of a series.

A Devil Among the Disciples (35 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 13:18-30
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 13. We began this series on the gospel of John on January 22, 2000, and we are going verse by verse through the gospel of John. And now we are at the Last Supper. We are hitting material that is exclusive to John. And John 13 through 17 is stuff that we don't read about in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, a great portion of it. It's also the words of Jesus. So much, if you'll look in your Bible, if you have the words of Jesus in red in your Bible, you'll notice that in John 13 through 17 you have a lot of red letters in there because you get into chapter 14, 15, 16, 17, it's just the teaching of Jesus to His disciples on that last night, on the night that He was betrayed. And in John 13 we are introduced to the situation and the story with Judas Iscariot. John has only mentioned him twice. He's not a figure that's mentioned a lot. And, you know, that's not unlike some of the other disciples. We read about Peter and James and John, and a lot of the other guys, there's not a lot of information about them. We don't mention Judas because Judas was the betrayer. Every time that the gospel writers talk about Judas, they say he was the betrayer. They let it be known that's the one they're talking about, because there were two Judas' in the group of the twelve. John spends some time to tell us what happened at the Last Supper with Judas.

Now, Judas is a very strange character in the Scripture. I was thinking of that song, "So Close, So Close, and Yet So Far." And that kind of describes Judas Iscariot. He is so close in proximity to Jesus. He's there at the Last Supper. As they're eating, he's right next to Jesus. He's so close in physical proximity, but he's so far away in spiritual proximity. And he is a tragic tale, a terrible life, a tragic life and a wasted life. He could have been such a great man of God, but he did ...

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