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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 13:1-5
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Safe and Secure (33 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 13:1-5
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 13. I want to talk to you tonight a message I've entitled Safe and Secure.

Years ago, I was playing racquetball with a guy, and we were talking after we'd played, and somehow the subject came up about his friend that fell out of ministry. He did some things that caused him to lose his position in ministry, and he had a pretty high position. This guy was telling me, "Yeah, it was really hard on him." And he said, "You know what was strange? That guy randomly came to my door one day, knocked on my door. He didn't know it was my door. He was just knocking on doors in the neighborhood. He was selling magazine subscriptions. When I opened the door and I saw him, and he saw me, I called his name, and I could tell he was extremely embarrassed, because he had had a position, and then he did some things that caused him to lose his position, and he was embarrassed with what he was doing, but he had to do something to try and make money." I've never forgotten that story. It's a good story because it highlights that in ministry, that's a trust, and you got to be careful. I often pray, "Lord, keep me clean. Keep me close. Help me so that I wouldn't bring any dishonor to Your name." But it also highlights an issue that we all tend to have trouble with, and that is the issue of embarrassment.

You know, there is nothing wrong with working for a company selling magazine subscriptions. Now, we can think, well, that's not for me. That's too lowly a position for me. And, especially, somebody that maybe that had a position that was considered more prestigious and now there is something that is less prestigious. But all of us struggle with this thing called embarrassment; when we have some situation in life that makes us feel less than, makes us feel inferior.

Did you know there's a real issue that people face and go through? It's cal ...

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