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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 12:20-36
This content is part of a series.

Shifting Gears (31 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 12:20-36
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 12. I want to talk tonight on a message I've entitled Shifting Gears.

How many people learned to drive with a stick shift or a manual transmission? Wow, a lot of hands go up. I think if we asked in the youth department how many, there wouldn't be very many hands. I remember learning to drive a stick shift. You know, those were fun because there were lots of do with that. But, when you're just learning how to drive that's a lot to take in because, there's a lot more to do. And I always had some difficulty with first gear. You know, first gear, if you didn't do it right, you could cause the car to stall out. And I remember my sister's boyfriend, he had a four-speed Mustang. I was like 14 or 15. I would talk him into letting me drive it around the neighborhood. My sister's boyfriend was an idiot because he allowed me to do that. I still remember, I had a girl in the car, and I was saying, "Look what we can do." And so, I went down the street, and he was watching me, the boyfriend who had the car, he was watching me. And then, instead of going and making a U-turn and coming back, I turned right, and I thought, you know, I got this thing whipped. Well, I hit the stop sign. You didn't want to hit a stop sign because then you have to get in first gear again and you have to get it going. Well, I couldn't get it to go. It kept stalling out. And then, lo and behold, behind me was a police officer. And I remember him coming up, because I was like, man, I really got to get this going. And it wasn't going. He came up to me, and he said, "Do you have a license?" And I said, "No, but I'm not driving. Obviously, I'm not going anywhere." Then Doug came and got his car, and he wasn't very happy about that.

You know, when you drive a stick shift, you have to learn how to shift gears and when to shift gears. You go in first gear only ...

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