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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 12:12-19
This content is part of a series.

Here Comes the King (30 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 12:12-19
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 12. We want to talk tonight about Jesus entering Jerusalem, something that the theologians have called for many, many years the triumphal entry. I'm entitling this message Here Comes the King.

Now, we're been studying the gospel of John verse by verse. And tonight, as we're in John chapter 12, I want you to notice that this story in the life of Jesus, in the ministry of Jesus is recorded by all four gospel writers. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, they all talk about this thing called the triumphal entry. Now, that's important because Matthew, Mark, and Luke talk about a lot of the same things. That's why they call those three gospels the synoptic gospels, "seeing the same." John is very, very different. And, there's one miracle in the Bible that all four gospel writers talk about; that is, the feeding of the five thousand. I find it interesting that a miracle as great as Lazarus being raised from the dead is only talked about by John, but that's by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He inspired those guys to write what He put upon their hearts to write. But all four of them write about this thing called the triumphal entry. So, there are things that God wants us to know about this event in the life of His Son and learn from. Very, very important.

John chapter 12. Interestingly, I mentioned this last week, but John covers the life of the Lord Jesus, three-and-a-half-year ministry of the Lord Jesus, twenty-one chapters. And he goes through almost the whole life of Jesus, first three-and-a-half years in John chapter 1 through John chapter 11. And then, he spends from John 12 to the end of the book talking about the last week of Jesus' life. The last week of His life is so very important. And this kind of kicks off the last week of His life when He enters Jerusalem, Jerusalem on the day we know as Palm Sunday.

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