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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 12:1-11
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Love and Hate (29 of 70)
John 12:1-11
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 12. The gospel of John takes a turn in John chapter 12. John has been spending eleven chapters giving us the life of Jesus, going through His three-and-a-half-year ministry. And then, in John chapter 12 he slows down and focuses nine chapters on the last week of His life. And then, a final chapter on Jesus' resurrection, post-resurrection, appearances - final two chapters, John 20 and 21. He digs deep starting in John 12, and we really start to see the life of the Lord Jesus is that last week and in His Passion Week.

You know, there's never been a life like the Lord Jesus. He's one of a kind. He is the god-Man. Nobody had ever seen miracles like that. The man in John 9 says, "No one has ever heard of a person born blind that had received sight. Obviously, this man is from God," based on the miracles that He did. John records seven miracles, just seven. And some of the other gospel writers tell you about the miracles, but it just said, "All the sick came to Jesus, and He healed them all." How many is that all? Is that three, four? Maybe it's thirty or forty. Maybe it's a hundred. I mean, as John MacArthur said, "He basically banished sickness and disease from the land of Israel." It's pretty amazing. No one had ever seen the miracles that He did. No one had ever heard the message that He preached with such power. Remember, even the guys that came to arrest Him said, "Where is He? We've never heard anybody talk like this and preach like this and speak like this." His miracles, His message, His ministry had never been seen before. Jesus said, "I didn't come to bring peace; I came to bring a sword, a sword that divides." People will either respond to Jesus in repentance and faith and love Him, or they're going to reject Jesus and hate Him. The thing about Jesus is there's no Switzerland. There's no middle ground with Jesus. The Doobie Brothers used ...

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