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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 11:45-57
This content is part of a series.

From the Greatest Miracle to the Greatest Sin (28 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 11:45-57
Pastor Jeff Schreve

How many people have seen the movie, The Wizard of Oz? If you remember in The Wizard of Oz, they're going to the Emerald City to meet the great and powerful Oz. And he presents himself as a pretty imposing figure until Toto figures out there's a guy behind the curtain. And you pull back the curtain and, all of a sudden, the great and terrible Oz is not so great and not so terrible. He's just a guy.

Well, in our study of the gospel of John, we are going to pull back the curtain, so to speak, on the Jewish religion that was in power in the first century during the ministry of Jesus, and it's not a pretty picture of what you see. You know, Jesus told those guys, "You clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside is filthy. You're like a white-washed tomb. You look good on the outside, but inside you're filled with dead man's bones." And that is so clearly seen in John chapter 11.

Now, John chapter 11 is the seventh miracle. John sets up his gospel; it's different from the other gospels. So, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, when you read those, you read a lot of the same stories. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called the synoptic gospels. Synoptic means "seeing the same," because they tell the same stories about Jesus. They'll have different nuances and there are some things that are unique to one of those gospel writers, but it's a very similar type of story. John is very different. John is emphasizing the deity of Christ, and he said, "These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ......and believing you have life in His name." And the way He does it is through seven signs. John likes to talk about the signs. The first sign, the first miracle that Jesus did, the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee. None of the other gospel writers talk about that. And of the seven signs that John uses, five of them are unique to th ...

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