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by Jeff Schreve

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So That You May Believe (27 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 11:1-45
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 11. I want to talk to you today about the greatest miracle, outside of the resurrection of Christ, the greatest miracle in John's gospel, and that is the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. You know, John builds his gospel on seven signs, seven miracles - he calls them signs - to show that Jesus is the Christ. He says that he wrote the gospel, John 20:31, "But these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ......and believing you may have life in His name." That was the purpose of why he wrote the gospel. And John chapter 11 zeros in on that. And Jesus has the greatest miracle that blew people away. It was an undeniable miracle. It was an unmistakable miracle. It was an unfathomable miracle that He would raise Lazarus from the dead. And not just raise him from the head, because He had done that before. He had raised Jairus' daughter from the dead. She was still warm when He raised her from the dead. People would say, "Well, she wasn't really dead. You know, we thought she was dead, but she wasn't really dead." He raised the widow from Nain, N-A-I-N, He raised her son from the dead. He was in the casket. He was cold, but they could have probably said, "Well, maybe we thought he was dead. He wasn't really dead." Jesus stopped the casket, raised him from the dead. But everybody knew Lazarus was dead, four days in the tomb. And Jesus did it, and He said the reason that He did the miracle in the way He did it was so that you may believe. That was the purpose of the miracle. All the miracles He does are designed to get you and me, unbelievers and believers, to believe on Him. See, we believe in a crisis. We put our faith and trust in Jesus. That's called saving faith. But then, we have to have faith to walk out the Christian life. We have to have faith to live it. Everything i ...

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