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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 10:30-42
This content is part of a series.

Stop and Think (26 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 10:30-42
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 10. We have been in John chapter 10 for the last couple of weeks, and we're going to finish this chapter tonight in a message I've entitled Stop and Think.

Now, when I went to seminary, I was in my 30s. The Lord called me into the ministry when I had already been established in the business world with a wife and three kids. And so, I left my job and we moved from Houston to North Carolina. And one of the first classes I took was Sermon Preparation. It's from Dr. Wayne McDill. He wrote the book that we used for the class. He was a very knowledgeable guy. He was a no-nonsense guy. It's was kind of his way or everything else was wrong. He became a really good friend of mine. And, when I wrote the book, Runaway Emotions, it was his work that I used and kind of collaborated with him on that book. But I remember when I was taking Sermon Prep from him, I'd been teaching Sunday school for a while, and so, I was used to developing lessons and things like that. And I thought, you know, I'm going to have a leg up on a lot of these younger guys, because here I am, I'm a little older in my 30s. And I wasn't prepared for Wayne McDill's class. It was hard and it was a lot of work, and I still remember him saying to us, "Now, guys, this is the Word of God. It's the living Word of God and so, you have to study it. You have to study to show yourself approved, and you're going to have to really wrestle with the words." And so, we learned how to diagram sentences and the text and how to set it up, and how to look up what these words mean, and how to do word studies, and all that kind of stuff. And then, what is the essence of this passage? What is the main point? What are the sub-points, and how to put all that together? And it was difficult. And I still remember him saying, "Have you guys gotten a headache yet?" And I thought, what does ...

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