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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 21:18-25
This content is part of a series.

But What About Him, Lord? (20 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 21:18-25
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 21. We are finishing the gospel of John today. We started in January of 2020, so we've been in it a long time. This is the seventieth sermon that I've preached in the gospel of John. And I hope that it's been a blessing to you. And it's really helped me to understand the Scripture better, and understand the life of the Lord Jesus better.

You know, John is typically the gospel that most people will say to a new believer, "Where do I start reading in the Bible?" "Start in the gospel of John." And the reason being is because the gospel of John gives you such insight into the deity of Christ. Matthew, Mark, and Luke, they write a lot about the things that Jesus did, and, and they oftentimes cover many of the same stories and miracles. John has different things that he shares, and we learn from the life of Jesus in a different way because it really focuses in on His deity. Well, as we finish up, I've entitled the message, But What About Him, Lord?

I heard a story years ago about two brothers, Jimmy and Johnny Smith. And they were, vile, nasty, vulgar, and crooked as a stick kind of guys. They were violent. They were just awful people. Johnny died. Jimmy was putting together the funeral for his brother Johnny. He went to the pastor of the church in town, and he said, "I need you to do the service for my brother." He said, "Okay. Here's the stipulation: In the service, you have to say that my brother Johnny was a saint." He was like, "How am I going to do that?" He said, "I don't know, but if you do it, I'll pay you ten thousand dollars." And he thought for a minute, and the pastor said, "Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it." You know, some pastors can be bought. So this guy said, "I'll do it." And word got around, "Hey, Pastor So-and-So is doing the service for Johnny Smith, that vile, nasty, horrible guy, and he's go ...

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