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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Exodus 3:1-22
This content is part of a series.

The Burning Bush and the Burning Question (1 of 8)
Faithful and True: Introducing the One and Only God
Jeff Schreve
Exodus 3:1-22

In January of 2009, a new action crime-thriller movie hit the big screens. It was an instant hit, an instant classic. The movie was called Taken, with Liam Neeson. Liam Neeson played a retired CIA operative, Brian Mills. In the movie, his daughter is taken. She is kidnapped when she is visiting in France, and he has to travel from America to France. He has 96 hours to find her, or they told him after that period of time you'll never find her. So, he goes on a rampage to find his daughter.

You know, I think people like that movie so much because it has good triumphing over evil. It has bad guys getting their comeuppance. And it shows the heart of a father to go to the ends of the earth to rescue his daughter. Now, if you have daughters, you really relate to that movie. I know I did. I can't fight like Liam Neeson, but I'd like to be able to do that. That's pretty cool. But in that movie, if you remember, at the climax scene, he's on the yacht and he's just whacking all the bad guys. And he finally gets to the bedroom where the wretched man has his daughter with a knife to her throat. And Neeson is there, Brian Mills. He has the gun on him. And the man speaks, and Liam Neeson just drops him, shoots him in the head. This is not a movie necessarily for the whole family, but his daughter, who has been so traumatized, says, "Dad, you came for me," and she falls into his arms. And he said, "I told you I would." That is a great story of rescue.

Hey, we're starting a series today, a brand-new series, on the Book of Exodus. The Book of Exodus is a book of rescue. It's a book of God coming to His people who had been enslaved in Egypt, enslaved by the bad guys, so to speak. And God reveals Himself to His people and to Egypt as the God who is faithful and true; the One and only God.

You know, in Egypt they had lots o ...

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