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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Exodus 5:1-23
This content is part of a series.

When the Work Doesn't Seem to be Working (2 of 8)
Faithful and True: Introducing the One and Only God
Jeff Schreve
Exodus 5:1-23

If you have your Bible, please turn to Exodus chapter 5. I want to speak to you this morning on the message I've entitled When the Work Doesn't Seem to be Working.

Now, I believe that golf is a wonderful game. Golf is a wonderful game because golf gets you outside. Especially for a preacher, it's good to get outside. Golf gets you in the sunshine. Golf is a social game. It gets you working with, or playing with other people. It's a good business game. It's a good game that you can play for a long time. You know, you don't have very many 65-year-old guys strapping on a helmet to play football, but you can still play golf at 65 and 75 and, maybe even into your 80's. But although golf is a good game, a wonderful game, it's a very hard game. Anybody who has ever played golf realizes how hard golf is. Now, lessons are important if you want to play golf, but here is the thing about lessons: when you take lessons, you get worse. You get worse before you get better. Now, anybody will tell you that. They change the way you grip the club. They change the way you swing the club. They have you do all these things, and you're thinking in your mind, I got 50 swing thoughts and 50 swing thoughts - not a good thing in golf. And so, you always get worse with lessons before you get better. Now, I am in the worst phase right now. I've been in it for 15 years. I'm I'm thinking, some time I'm going to get better, but I was getting a little better, and then I started watching YouTube golf instruction, and I have like a thousand different swing thoughts, and it doesn't work very well.

Well, the message today is a little bit like that, because you can do a lot of work in golf, and you're getting worse. And you say, "What gives with this?"

Well, all of us know that in the Christian life we can run into situations where we hav ...

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