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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Exodus 8:20-32, Exodus 9:1-12
This content is part of a series.

God vs. the Devil (4 of 8)
Faithful and True: Introducing the One and Only God
Jeff Schreve
Exodus 8:20-9:12

How many in this room like professional wrestling? Anybody like professional wrestling? Anybody not embarrassed to say you like professional wrestling? You know, I never watched professional wrestling, although my brothers liked it when I was a kid growing up. Wrestling was kind of just in little pockets of areas. Little cities would have their own little wrestling tours. Wrestling got really popular when Rocky III came out, and Hulk Hogan played Thunderlips, the ultimate male, going up against Rocky Balboa, the ultimate meatball. Everybody was like, "Who is Thunderlips?" And we found out his name was Hulk Hogan, and people started to watch and it grew in excitement.

You know, they say pro wrestling is all fake. It would have to be, or all those guys would be dead. But those guys are amazing athletes, as big as they are, to do the things that they do, and put people over their heads and body slam. It's a dangerous sport. It's a colorful spot. You have guys with cool nicknames in pro wrestling. We all know about The Rock, Dwayne Johnson. We have heard about the ultimate warrior, Andre the Giant. Most people don't know Andre's last name. They just know him as Andre the Giant. We had The Big Show. We had The Undertaker. We had Mr. Perfect - all these guys in wrestling. Now, I started watching wrestling when Hulk Hogan was on the Rocky movie, and then I started to get interested when Bill Goldberg was big in wrestling. And people told me back in the day that I looked kind of like Bill Goldberg. We have a picture of Bill Goldberg. They didn't make me take my shirt off, but they said that kind of looks like you. And I said, "Well, thank you." And then they said, "But then you kind of look like this guy, Steve Austin." I said, "Okay, that's all right. Kind of like Goldberg better." But you know what people tell me now? They tell m ...

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