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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 21:4-17
This content is part of a series.

Confrontation and Restoration (19 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 21:4-17
Pastor Jeff Schreve

How many in here like ice hockey? Anyone? One hand, two, three. I think if you're from the south, you're not really into ice hockey. Maybe if you came from the north, you're into ice hockey. Some people really, really like it. I don't really follow it. I don't like to watch that. Or soccer. It just seems kind of slow. But some people really like it. Now, one of the things about ice hockey, like I said, I don't watch it, but I do know they have a thing in ice hockey that's kind of interesting. It's called the penalty box. And if you beat on somebody, they stick you in the penalty box. It's just like when you were a little kid, and your mother said, "You're in time out." That's what the penalty box is. It's time out. And they take away a player, and they put him in the penalty box, and you can be in there for two minutes, or even up to five minutes. And the team is just down one player because one guy is in the penalty box.

Now, let me ask you this question: Have you ever felt like you might be in the penalty box with the Lord? In the penalty box in your walk with God? It's not fun to be in the penalty box. You know, they also call the penalty box, I looked this up - they have another name for it. They call it the sin bin. Isn't that interesting, the sin bin? Well, I think that if we were to have been able to talk to Simon Peter after he denied the Lord, he would have said, "I'm in the penalty box." Now, it's not because the Lord is not forgiving. He is forgiving. This is very interesting. When you read about the post-resurrection appearances of Christ, on the very first day that He rose from the dead He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, and then He appeared to the other women at the tomb, and then He appeared to Peter. It says that in Luke chapter 24. It says that in First Corinthians chapter 15. And then He appeared to the guys on the road to Emmaus. And i ...

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