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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Exodus 9:13-35, Exodus 10:1-29
This content is part of a series.

When Bad Gets Worse (5 of 8)
Faithful and True: Introducing the One and Only God
Jeff Schreve
Exodus 9:13-10:29

If you have your Bible, please turn to Exodus chapter 9. We're in a series on the Exodus, on the exit of the children of Israel from Egypt.

Now, in my family, when my kids were little, we started a tradition. On Friday nights, we had pizza and movie night, and we would watch different movies. That was back in the day where you had to go to a place called Blockbuster. You would go to Blockbuster, and you'd get a video, and it was VHS and you would watch it. We would watch it with the girls. When different movies that came out, we would buy those for the girls, and we would watch those over and over and over. We loved The Lion King. Well, As a kid growing up in my family we would learn the movie lines. We would say movie lines in our family, and we would communicate oftentimes in a particular movie line. Did anybody ever do that? Am I the only one that did that? I'm going to play a little game with you to test your ability to remember movies. I'll give you the line, and then you tell me what movie it's from.

"It's not a tuma" - Kindergarten Cop.
How about this one: "Ttttttt, today, Junior." - Billy Madison.
How about this one: "Grizzly Adams did have a beard." - Yes, Happy Gilmore. Very good.
How about this one: "Show me your fast ball, Dustbrain" - and then it goes on to say, "You wrinkled, crinkled, pouchy, sag bottom, puke pot" - Hook. A great movie, Hook.
How about this one: "I can't see nothing. You're going to have to cut me, Mic." - Rocky. Everybody should know that.

But then, this classic movie line - I'm not going to say it - I'm going to show it to you. It's from the 1974 hit, "Young Frankenstein." "What a filthy job." "I could be worse." "How?" "Could be raining."

Well, we've been talking about the plagues that God brought upon Egypt to make a mockery of their gods and to bring Egypt to its ...

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