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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Exodus 13:17-22, Exodus 14:1-31
This content is part of a series.

Fear, Faith, and the Power of God (7 of 8)
Faithful and True: Introducing the One and Only God
Jeff Schreve
Exodus 13:17-14:31

Have you ever heard the name Eppie Lederer? Eppie Lederer was declared in 1978 the most influential woman in America. You probably know her by her pen name, Ann Landers. Ann Landers was the advice columnist for decades. That column ran for over 50 years. And Eppie Lederer became Ann Landers. She didn't start Ann Landers, but she became Ann Landers, and was Ann Landers for 46 of those years. And people would write her asking for advice. It's kind of interesting. Eppie Lederer's twin sister had a column called Dear Abby. Abigail Van Buren. They were two sisters, and they had the same kind of advice columns. It was said of Ann Landers that in her heyday she was getting 10,000 letters a month where people would write in asking for her advice. And somebody asked Ann Landers, Eppie Lederer, they said, "Is there a theme to these letters that you get where people are asking for advice? If you could lump it up under one theme, what would it be?" And she said, "It would be under the theme of fear." She said, "That is the overwhelming subject matter; questions concerning fear: fear of wealth, fear of health, fear of losing loved ones, fear of life itself." I thought that was very interesting.

You know, as human beings, we tend to be very fearful people. I mean, non-Christians and Christian alike, we deal with fear. Nobody has to introduce you to fear. It's just something that we all have experienced, and we all know about it. And we have so many people today who are so afraid just living in fear. Maybe you're facing some fears today. Maybe you're facing some obstacles. I mean, we have been hearing now for the last 18 months or so, all about covid, covid, covid, and everybody has dealt with covid, they're dealing with covid. We've experienced losses because of that. And so many people have let that really come in an ...

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