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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 18:12-40, John 19:1-16
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The Trial from Hell (12 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 18:12-19:16
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 18. We want to talk tonight about The Trial from Hell. The trial of Jesus was a trial that had hell's fingerprints all over it.

This is interesting. In Genesis chapter 3, verse 15, we have the first gospel message. Genesis 3:15, right after Adam and Eve fell and God visited them in the cool of the day, we have what's called the protoevangelium, or the first gospel. And that's when the LORD said to the serpent, "I will put enmity (hatred, warfare) between your seed and her seed," speaking of the woman. "...between your seed and her seed." A woman doesn't have a seed. A woman has an egg. A man has a seed, but the LORD said it's going to be between, "...your seed (from the serpent) and her seed (speaking of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ). And then He said, "You shall bruise His heel, but He will crush your head." And so, it's a verse that speaks of what is going to happen, and how the seed of the woman - the Lord Jesus, who was born of a virgin - is going to come into this world. The devil is going to bruise His heel, but He's going to crush the devil's head. And you see the bruising taking place at the arrest and trial, culminating in the crucifixion of Jesus.

Now, I want to do something a little different today. I want us to cover a fairly large chunk of Scripture. We've been going through the gospel of John verse-by-verse, and tonight we want to look at the whole trial of Jesus from start to finish. And you can't get that all in John's gospel. You get a full picture when you look at Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But I think lots of people know aspects of the trial of Jesus, but have maybe never put it all together, so we don't know how it flows chronologically. To be real technical, the trial of Jesus was really the trials of Jesus. He had three Jewish trials and three Gentile trials. And we're going to lo ...

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