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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 18:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Judas and Jesus (10 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 18:1-11
Pastor Jeff Schreve

Take your Bible and turn to John chapter 18. I've entitled this message Judas and Jesus. Couldn't be a greater contrast between two people as the contrast between Judas and Jesus. You know, of all the people in the Bible, there's none more dastardly and despicable and wicked than is Judas Iscariot. He's always referred to as the betrayer. He was the one who was with Jesus at the Last Supper. Jesus said, "One of you will betray Me," and the guys were all like, "Is it I, Lord? Is it I?" They didn't know who the betrayer was. And Judas had the audacity to say to Jesus, "Is it I, Rabbi??" Jesus said, "You've said it yourself." John 13, Judas is at the Last Supper. Jesus says, "One of you will betray Me." And He says, "It's the one to whom I give the morsel to," and He gives it to Judas. And it seems pretty obvious to us that that is the betrayer, but the disciples didn't get it. And Jesus said to Judas, "What you do, do quickly." And he went out, and the disciples said, "Well, I guess he's just going to buy some food, or he's going to do something for Jesus." They didn't get it that that's the betrayer. But John makes this comment in John chapter 13, verse 30, "...and it was night." Judas walked in the darkness. Here he was rubbing shoulders with the Light of the world. One of the twelve, he's on the team, so to speak. He's getting to see Jesus do miracles. He is hearing the sermons. He is commissioned. He goes out and he cast out demons, and he performs miracles, and he preaches, but all the time Jesus said, "Did I not choose you, the twelve, yet one of you is a devil." All the time, Judas is a hypocrite. Judas is a phony. Judas is a tare among the wheat. Judas is an apostate. Well, John doesn't talk about Judas after John chapter 13 until we get into John chapter 18. And in John 18 we have an encounter. Everything has been building to this point of betrayal, the encounter be ...

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