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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 17:20-26
This content is part of a series.

Jesus and His Future Disciples (9 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 17:20-26
Pastor Jeff Schreve

Please turn to John chapter 17. We are going to finish the great high priestly prayer that Jesus prayed just hours before His arrest and hours before His crucifixion.

I was talking to my middle daughter today, Amy, and I had remembered something that she told me she did, and I wanted to share it with you. When she was in college, she was home from college, and my girls like to visit with Ada Ferguson. Ada was our counselor for years until she went home to heaven. But my girls just loved Ada, as did our whole church. Something that Ada said to Amy and really struck her was, "You know, Amy, I read the Bible through every year, and I do different Bibles for different family members, for my kids and grandkids and things like that. And it's just their year, and write notes and prayers and things like that for that specific person." Well, Amy thought about that, and she said, "I'm going to do that for the guy that I marry." Debbie and I always said to Amy, "Amy, God has somebody special for you. And we don't know his name, but just like Ruth in the Book of Ruth, his name was Boaz, God has a Boaz for you." And so, she did this whole Bible and wrote it out to Boaz. And when God gave her Travis, on their wedding night, she presented that Bible to him. This is what it looked like. It's just a regular English Standard version and on the inside it said, "For my Boaz." And just, all throughout the Bible as she was reading through, she would have notes and she would have prayers. And here's an example of one of the things that she had in there, and this is what it says: "Dear Lord, thanks so much for Your Word. And, Lord, I pray for my future husband, Boaz. Strengthen him. Draw him near to You. Lord, bless him with an understanding of the Scriptures. Let him lead me and my family and prepare him to be the man that You want and desire for him to be. In Your name, amen." ...

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