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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 16:23-33
This content is part of a series.

Courage in the Face of Tribulation (6 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 16:23-33
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 16. I want to talk about Courage in the Face of Tribulation

Years ago, Debbie and I were at a speaker retreat for Family Life Ministries, and Dennis Rainey, the Founder and former President of Family Life was sitting at our table. It was about six of us, I guess, and he sat down. Dennis is a wonderful guy. He's got a big personality. And he asked this question, and I found out later it was kind of the question that he loves to ask people. It's an ice-breaker question. And the question was this: What is the most courageous thing you've ever done in your life? And then we went around the table, and that can be a hard question. "I don't know what's the most courageous thing I've ever done. I'm not sure," I said, answering this question. I didn't really say that. But what is the most courageous thing? I read a story, a true story, about a guy who would say, without a doubt, "This is the most courageous thing I've ever done." His name was Ray Blankenship. He lived in Andover, Ohio. He was preparing his breakfast one morning, and he saw out his window a small girl swept along in a rain-flooded drainage ditch beside his house. He knew that further downstream the ditch would disappear with a roar underneath the road and then be emptied into the main culvert, so he knew that girl was in major danger. He ran out of his house, and he ran along the ditch line, and he got ahead of the girl, and he threw himself into the water and grabbed onto the girl, and then they both started going down in the water. He was trying to grab on to something. He was having difficulty. And, finally, he got ahold of some piece of rock, or something that wasn't moving, and he was able to hold on and still hold on to the girl. And he thought, maybe I can just wait here until the fire department or help comes somehow. And help finally ...

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