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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John16:16-22
This content is part of a series.

When Sorrow Turns to Joy (5 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 16:16-22
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 16. I want to talk to you on this subject: When Sorrow Turns to Joy.

Now, what would you think if you lived in a place with no clouds, no rain, no storms, just sunshine, sunshine, sunshine? You know, there's a place like that. I read about it today. It's in Northern Chile between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, beautiful sunrises and beautiful sunsets because there are no clouds to obstruct. It has virtually no rainfall. When you read about it, it sounds like a perfect place, a paradise on earth, but then it said about this place, "It is a sterile, desolate wilderness with no streams of water and no vegetation." You know, in life we all have a longing to avoid sorrow and not experience the storms of life. We want to avoid those at all costs. We want to live a life where you go through unscathed - no heartache, no pain, no tears. But we know life's not like that. We know that is impossible. Job, who had more than his fair share of difficulties in life, said, "Man who is born of woman is short-lived and full of trouble. Man is born for trouble as sparks fly upward." Jesus said in John chapter 16, "...In the world you have tribulation..." There's just no getting around the fact that there are going to be difficulties and problems and heartache and heartbreak and storms and pain in this life. The goal of life is not to live and not experience any sorrow. The goal of life is how to turn inevitable sorrow into joy. You're going to face sorrow in life. I'm going to face sorrow in life. We're going to face sorrow in life. How can I take the sorrows of life and turn them to joy? That's the subject for tonight as we study John chapter 16.

We've been going through the gospel of John now for quite a while on Wednesday nights, verse by verse, and we are in the last night of Jesus' life. We're actually just ...

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