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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 16:7-15
This content is part of a series.

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (4 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 16:7-15
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, turn to John chapter 16. We want to talk about The Ministry of the Holy Spirit. If we could put it in vernacular terms, what is the job description of the Holy Spirit? Anybody who has ever worked knows about a job description. Every company has certain jobs, and they will tell you about the job. They give you a description of the job. It's very important for the employee to know what is being asked of me, what is the job all about; it's important for the employer to know, "Hey, this is the job we have, and this is what we want you to fill."

Now, we know that many people are looking for employees right now. When you pay people to stay home, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they're not going to necessarily work because they can make more money just being paid for not working. It's a terrible plan to pay people for not working. Companies are looking for people. And I ran across several job descriptions, little advertisements for a job. Some of them maybe too honest about the job. We have this one: "Toys. We are hiring low-pay, bad hours, jerk boss. Apply now." Just not wanting to pull any punches. Can't say we didn't tell you so. How about this one? "Wanted: Part-time salesperson who won't quit after two months; who works hard and doesn't think she's doing me a favor by working here; who can take a joke and won't cry every day on the floor. Inquire within." Obviously, speaks a lot about the last person that worked there. I like this one: "Wanted: Grape stompers. Must have good balance and large feet. Skinny folk need not apply." Those are certain job descriptions.

Well, we want to talk about the job description of the Holy Spirit. You know, God exists in Trinity; one God in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. We know a lot about God the Father. We know about God the Son. God the Hol ...

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