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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 1:22-27
This content is part of a series.

True Religion (6)
Stephen Whitney
James 1:22-27

A man in New York City died at the age of 63 without ever having a job. He spent his entire adult life in college. During those years he acquired so many academic degrees that they "looked like the alphabet" behind his name. Why did he spend his entire life in college? When he was a child, a wealthy relative who died had named him as a beneficiary in his will. It stated that he was to be given enough money to support him every year as long as he stayed in school. And it was to be discontinued when he had completed his education.

The man continued to met the terms of the will, but by remaining in school indefinitely he turned a technicality into a steady income for life - something his benefactor never intended. Unfortunately, he spent thousands of hours listening to professors and reading books but never "doing." He acquired more and more knowledge but didn't' put it into practice. His education was of no practical benefit to anyone.

God wants us to not only listen to his truth, but live it.

Cultural background

In Bible times people listened to the Scriptures which were read when they went to worship because they didn't have copies which they could read for themselves in their homes.

Luke 4:16-18 Jesus came to Nazareth where he had been brought up. He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll . . . and read, "The Spirit of the Lord is . . ."


Active listening :22
But - in contrast to the evil deeds of your past life (:21).

Be - Gk. to become and present tense means continue to become.
:25 perseveres, NIV - continues to do, Phillips - makes a habit.

Doers - Gk. one who obeys and lives what he knows (:23,25, 4:11).
Notice: the word is used in reference to obeying God's law.

Psalm 19:11 By the law is your servant warned (what ...

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