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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 1:16-21
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Help in Trials (5)
Stephen Whitney
James 1:16-21

Thomas a Kempis was born in Germany in 1380 and at the age of 13 he attended a school conducted by the Brethren of the Common Life which emphasized the simplicity of the earliest Christians. It was there that his deep commitment to Christ took place. He entered a monastery when he was just 19 years-old where he spent the next 72 years until he died.

During those years he wrote sermons, hymns, religious biographies and one of the most widely read Christian books of all time, what has become a classic: The Imitation of Christ. The title comes from the first chapter in the book where he wrote, "The imitation of Christ and contempt for the vanities of the world."

He also wrote a prayer about resisting the temptations of the world:

Lord, Do not the world and its brief glory lead me astray;
Do not let the devil and his cunning overthrow me.
Give me boldness in resisting, patience in enduring, firmness in persevering.

In place of all the joys of the world grant me the sweet anointing of your Spirit, and instead of the loves of this life, pour in the love of your name.

We need God's help in resisting temptations which come to us from the world in which we live, our own desires and Satan.

GOD'S GIFTS :16-18

Gracious warning :16
Do not be deceived (KJB err) - Gk. to lead astray or wander.
It is used of wrong thinking about what is right or wrong.
5:19 wander from the truth (of God or of the gospel).

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a person sows, that he will also reap.
Being deceived is not believing the truth from God.
When we are tempted to do evil, we must not think we are being tempted by God (:13) because he will not tempt us to do evil. We must completely reject any thought of God tempting us.

Good gifts :17
Everything good in this world comes from God's loving hand.
His gifts are perfect to help us when we are tempted t ...

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