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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 1:12-15
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Fatal Attraction (4)
Stephen Whitney
James 1:12-15

The Olympic games began in Greece in 776 BC with only one event the 200-yard dash called a stadium. A few years later other races were added to the games. Because the games were so popular the discus, javelin, wrestling and boxing were added.

When the Romans came to power, they continued the games but conflict with the Greeks became so bitter over time that the Roman Emperor abolished the games in 394 AD. after having been held for the last 100 years.

In the late 1800's a campaign to revive the Olympic games was started in France by Pierre de Coubertin and the first modern games were held in March 1896. The aim of these games was to promote brotherhood and peace between nations by bringing together amateur athletes every four years to compete against each other without financial gain.

Pierre de Coubertin, the founder, said, "The important thing in the Olympic games is not to win but to take part, the important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle."

God uses trials to strengthen our faith in him.


Blessed - joy given to a person by God for doing his will.
:25 the person is blessed for not just hearing what God wants him to do, but acting on the will of God in his everyday life. This is the word that is used in beatitudes the in Matthew 5.

Steadfast (KJB endureth, NIV perseveres) - Gk. endurance.
5:11 the steadfastness of Job who was faithful in his trials.

The word literally means "to remain under." It is to be both:
- Patient while you endure pressure and
- To stand fast while you trust God

It is to stand your ground or stand firm without giving in or up.

It is that spiritual faith in God that never gives up.

Stood the test (KJB tried, NKJ approved) - Gk. passed the test.
It was used of coins which weighed what they were supposed to. Here the person has successfully stood firm in their trials. They did not give ...

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