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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 1:9-11
This content is part of a series.

The Great Reversal (3)
Stephen Whitney
James 1:9-11

Charles Briscoe grew up during the Depression in the 1930's. He said, "I had a wonderful dad, but after any of us children got to a certain age we started working and never kept a paycheck. It all went into the family kitty."

His father was having a difficult time on his farm. They planted wheat for five years straight and only one year did they have a crop. That year they got twenty-five bushels an acre and sold them for twenty-five cents a bushel.

He wanted to complete his studies, so he hitchhiked to town to attend the high school. "I studied in the city library until they closed it," he said, "and then I would pick up an abandoned newspaper and go to an abandoned house. I'd sleep on the newspapers. My main meal was salted peanuts because you could get them for a nickel. This went on for three weeks until the family sold a pig. Then I could rent a room for a dollar and a half a week."

None of us have ever experienced that kind of poverty. But spiritually we are all poor because there is nothing we can bring to God for him to forgive us of our sins.

Romans 3:10 There is none righteous no, not one.
Everyone is guilty before God because of their sins, which includes those who are poor as well as the wealthy.

:12 They have all turned aside (from God) . . .
no one does good, not even one.

Chuck Swindoll - "There are no preferred people, no special cases, no exceptions. Everyone is a sinner."
Everyone needs to be forgiven of their sins no matter who they are or how they live.

The invitation to believe in Christ for salvation is for everyone no matter who they are or how rich or poor they are.
Luke 2:10-11 the angel said to the shepherds, "I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

John 3:16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten S ...

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