by Jeff Schreve
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1, Ecclesiastes 2
This content is part of a series.
The Search for Satisfaction (1 of 6)
Life Under the Sun
Jeff Schreve
Ecclesiastes 1-2
"Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher, "Vanity of vanities! All is vanity."
We're starting a brand-new series today on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes is an interesting book. It's one of the hardest books in the Bible to make sense of because people read the opening of the Book of Ecclesiastes, and say, "What in the world? All is vanity. All is meaningless. All is empty. That sure doesn't seem to fit into the Bible." And the Preacher is the one saying it, so it really seems odd. You know, if a preacher visits with the Pastor Search Committee, and they say, "Tell us a little bit about yourself." Well, he just says, "You need to know this is how I preach: Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. It's all a waste of time. It's all meaningless," he probably wouldn't get the position, right? Because we'd say, "You need to go back to seminary. There is something wrong with your theology." Well, we're entitling this series, Life Under the Sun, because in the Book of Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon, King Solomon, the son of David, he uses that phrase twenty-nine times, "under the sun, under the sun, under the sun." And what he means by that is, he's going to look at life, keeping God out, keeping heaven out. Just look at life under the sun. What is life like from a human and a humanistic perspective? I'm not considering God. I am just considering what is here on planet Earth - what I can do under the sun. And he's trying to find this elusive thing called satisfaction. Everybody wants satisfaction. Mick Jagger wants satisfaction, but he can't get no satisfaction. Mick Jagger would really fit into the Book of Ecclesiastes, because he says, "I can't get no satisfaction, 'cause I try, and I try, and I try, and I try. I can't get no, no, no, no. I can't get it." And that's what Solomon is going to tell us, that under the sun you can't get no satisfaction. ...
Life Under the Sun
Jeff Schreve
Ecclesiastes 1-2
"Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher, "Vanity of vanities! All is vanity."
We're starting a brand-new series today on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes is an interesting book. It's one of the hardest books in the Bible to make sense of because people read the opening of the Book of Ecclesiastes, and say, "What in the world? All is vanity. All is meaningless. All is empty. That sure doesn't seem to fit into the Bible." And the Preacher is the one saying it, so it really seems odd. You know, if a preacher visits with the Pastor Search Committee, and they say, "Tell us a little bit about yourself." Well, he just says, "You need to know this is how I preach: Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. It's all a waste of time. It's all meaningless," he probably wouldn't get the position, right? Because we'd say, "You need to go back to seminary. There is something wrong with your theology." Well, we're entitling this series, Life Under the Sun, because in the Book of Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon, King Solomon, the son of David, he uses that phrase twenty-nine times, "under the sun, under the sun, under the sun." And what he means by that is, he's going to look at life, keeping God out, keeping heaven out. Just look at life under the sun. What is life like from a human and a humanistic perspective? I'm not considering God. I am just considering what is here on planet Earth - what I can do under the sun. And he's trying to find this elusive thing called satisfaction. Everybody wants satisfaction. Mick Jagger wants satisfaction, but he can't get no satisfaction. Mick Jagger would really fit into the Book of Ecclesiastes, because he says, "I can't get no satisfaction, 'cause I try, and I try, and I try, and I try. I can't get no, no, no, no. I can't get it." And that's what Solomon is going to tell us, that under the sun you can't get no satisfaction. ...
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