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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Ephesians 1:7-14
This content is part of a series.

Salvation: It's In There! (2 of 17)
Tim Badal
Ephesians 1:7-14

I have the great opportunity this morning to preach out of the book of Ephesians. We started there last week under the heading, "Who Am I?" Today we'll pick up again with this letter written by the Apostle Paul to a group of Christians in Ephesus, a city in modern-day Turkey. They made up a church that was pastored by Paul's disciple Timothy. These people had come from some pretty bad backgrounds. They lived in a culture that was fascinated by the occult. Sexual expression and experimentation was all around them. Before coming to Christ, they had thought they could find contentment and fulfillment in the things of this world. In this letter, Paul is reminding them of who they now are in Christ. Even though we live in a world that is half a globe away and 2,000 years later, we also have much to learn from this incredible book.

Last week we saw how the question "Who Am I?" is the fundamental challenge our world is facing today. Who are we? What are we all about? What should we be doing with our lives? Most especially, these questions are challenging the younger people in our day who are being deceived by the world and the devil into identifying themselves in ways that are not their true identity. We spoke of five different ways the world currently identifies itself:

- First, we identify ourselves by our status, the amount of money we have, the job we have, the title we carry or the degrees we've earned.
- Second, we identify ourselves by our skin color-or maybe it's mainly the way we identify others.
- Third, and this is a big one these days, we identify ourselves by our sexuality. We have certain feelings, desires or attractions, assuming wrongly that those define who we are. As a result, our culture is telling us this is what is most true about us and that it must be affirmed and endorsed by everyone around us.
- Fourth, we identify ourselves by the stuff we have. That's wh ...

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