by Jeff Schreve
Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25
This content is part of a series.
The Joy Obedience (2 of 3)
The Joy of Christmas
Jeff Schreve
Matthew 1:18-25
If you have your Bible, please turn to Matthew, chapter 1. We started a new series last week for December, for Christmastime, entitled The Joy of Christmas. Last week we talked about Mary and the joy of believing. "Blessed is she," Elizabeth said, "who believed in the message," that the message would be fulfilled that had been delivered to her. And Mary did believe. "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord. Be it done to me according to Your Word."
Well, today we want to talk about The Joy of Obedience. Christmas is about joy, good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people. And there's great joy in believing, and there's great joy in obeying.
We could say that Mary is the posterchild of believing God. Joseph believed God also, but he's kind of focused in on obeying God. Now, those two things go hand-in-hand, but we're going to see with Joseph, because the Bible doesn't say a lot about him, the step-father of the Lord Jesus Christ, we don't have a lot of time and space given in Scripture for Joseph. Matthew talks about him more than any other gospel writer. Mark doesn't even mention him. Anytime Joseph is mentioned, he's hearing from God and doing what God tells him to do. He is the posterchild for obedience. The Bible says of him, he's a righteous man. He's a just man. He is a man who loves God, who follows God, and who obeys God.
One day, Jesus was preaching, and His preaching was always with such power and one of the women who was in the crowd began to shout out with a loud voice, and she said this: "Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed." But Jesus said, "On the contrary, or on the other hand, blessed are those who hear the Word of God and observe it; who hear the Word of God and obey it; who hear the Word of God and do it." That was Joseph.
How do you do with obeying and observing the Word of God? Are you, a ...
The Joy of Christmas
Jeff Schreve
Matthew 1:18-25
If you have your Bible, please turn to Matthew, chapter 1. We started a new series last week for December, for Christmastime, entitled The Joy of Christmas. Last week we talked about Mary and the joy of believing. "Blessed is she," Elizabeth said, "who believed in the message," that the message would be fulfilled that had been delivered to her. And Mary did believe. "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord. Be it done to me according to Your Word."
Well, today we want to talk about The Joy of Obedience. Christmas is about joy, good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people. And there's great joy in believing, and there's great joy in obeying.
We could say that Mary is the posterchild of believing God. Joseph believed God also, but he's kind of focused in on obeying God. Now, those two things go hand-in-hand, but we're going to see with Joseph, because the Bible doesn't say a lot about him, the step-father of the Lord Jesus Christ, we don't have a lot of time and space given in Scripture for Joseph. Matthew talks about him more than any other gospel writer. Mark doesn't even mention him. Anytime Joseph is mentioned, he's hearing from God and doing what God tells him to do. He is the posterchild for obedience. The Bible says of him, he's a righteous man. He's a just man. He is a man who loves God, who follows God, and who obeys God.
One day, Jesus was preaching, and His preaching was always with such power and one of the women who was in the crowd began to shout out with a loud voice, and she said this: "Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed." But Jesus said, "On the contrary, or on the other hand, blessed are those who hear the Word of God and observe it; who hear the Word of God and obey it; who hear the Word of God and do it." That was Joseph.
How do you do with obeying and observing the Word of God? Are you, a ...
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