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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
This content is part of a series.

The Gift (4 of 4)
The Thrill of Hope
Jeff Schreve
Matthew 2:1-12

Christmas Day. I'm excited about worshipping on Christmas Day. I've been looking forward to this. You know, lots of people are out of town, or they can't come for whatever reason, but it's all the people that just want to be here, and we want to worship on Christmas Day. You've heard me say, I don't understand when churches cancel when Christmas is on Sunday because they want to celebrate Christmas. It's weird. You know, if Debbie's going to throw a big birthday party for me, and you say, "Well, I'm going to celebrate by not coming," that just doesn't make sense to me. And so, I am glad you're here, and we are going to have a great time in the Lord's Word. I normally preach a while, but today, as a special gift, I'm going to go longer. No, not really.

Here's the thing on Christmas Day that you will hear, especially among kids, even adults, so, "What did you get for Christmas?" Has anybody asked that question today, "What did you get for Christmas?" Some of you have asked the question, "What did you get for Christmas?" You know, when you're a kid, that's the big deal. I'd be gone for Christmas break. You know, we were shut down for two weeks, no school, and you'd come back to school, and that's what everyone wanted to know, "What did you get for Christmas?"

Now, before I met and married Debbie, her family was really big on Christmas, and they would give a lot of gifts, and Debbie is a great gift-giver. With my family it was a little spotty. It was kind of hit and miss. You would have aunts and uncles that would send gifts, you know, and then they'd be under the tree for a week or so before Christmas. As a little kid, you wonder, what is in that box? As little kids, we were just so chumping at the bit, and my mom would say, "We don't open presents until Christmas morning, but I'll let you open one present that's under the tree on Christmas Eve morning." And so, you'd loo ...

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