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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25
This content is part of a series.

The Divine Rescue (2 of 4)
The Thrill of Hope
Jeff Schreve
Matthew 1:18-25

On June 23, 2018, twelve soccer players, age eleven through seventeen, and their coach went exploring in a cave in northern Thailand. It was after soccer practice. It was something that they did often. And they would go deep into the cave, and it was adventurous, and it was fun, and it was exciting. But on June 23, 2018, what they didn't know was that a flash flood was coming. And the water rose very rapidly, and they couldn't get out of the cave. In fact, they had to go deeper into the cave to find a place that was above the water line. News started to spread. These boys are trapped in this cave. And what made matters worse is, the rain wasn't letting up, and the monsoon was soon to hit. The Thailand navy seals thoughts, well, maybe we can go in there and get them out, but they weren't equipped and weren't experienced enough in cave diving.

So, thirteen international divers came to Thailand to see what they could do to help. They were very experienced in cave diving, which is a very difficult type of diving where visibility can be zero, where you're in very tight spaces. It's hard not to panic in those experiences. It took them nine days to find the boys. They thought they were all dead, but then they found them. It was a six-hour dive to get to where those boys were. I have a picture of the Thailand cave rescue. They were two-and-a-half miles inside the cave. It was treacherous. It was dangerous. One diver lost his life in that experience. But when they got to them, the boys and the coach were so excited. They, "Hey, they know we're here!" But then, the divers went back and talked among themselves, and they said, "How are we going to get these people out? It's a six-hour trip to go in. It's against the current. Five hours to come out. And these are inexperienced divers. They don't know how to do this at all. And this is a difficult dive for somebody that ha ...

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