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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7
This content is part of a series.

Save the Date (1 of 4)
The Thrill of Hope
Jeff Schreve
Isaiah 9:1-7

Emily Post is a very familiar name to many, many people. She was an author, a novelist, a socialite. She was born in 1872 and died in 1960. She is very famous for a book she wrote in 1922 called Etiquette - etiquette in society, in business, in politics, and at the home. She's kind of the person that everybody would look to. Well, how are we supposed to do this? And if we're going to throw a party, what does Emily Post say? What is the social etiquette?

Now, she said that if you're going to have a big party, you need to send out invitations three weeks ahead of time. Three weeks ahead for a wedding, for a birthday, for some special event. And people followed that for a long, long time. But now, and it's relatively just in the last twenty years or so, people have caught on to we need to give more notice, so they send out a "save the date." How many in here have ever gotten a "save the date?" If you haven't, you're probably not getting invited to a lot of stuff. People just do this. They save the date. I was looking this up. They said, "Save the date is sent out weeks ahead. Not just three weeks, but maybe twelve weeks, maybe as much as six months, maybe even as much as a year. "Save the date. In a year, we're getting married."

Well, did you know that God likes to do "save the date?" And so, before, anything was going on, twenty years ago, before Emily Post in the early 1900s, the Lord had a "save the date." He doesn't give us the date, but He tells us, "This event is coming. Be ready for it." He gave it to us in the Book of Isaiah. It concerns the birth of Jesus. It's a "save the date," so to speak. It's, "This is getting ready to happen. Get prepared. Get ready, because a Child will be born to us, and a son will be given to us. So, get ready." Hey, the Book of Isaiah was written in the 700s B.C. So, they say, "You know, give a "save the date" maybe a ...

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