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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 11:4-7
This content is part of a series.

The Perils of Living Without Faith (19 of 29)
Series: Once and For All
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 11:4-7

Turn to Hebrews 11. You've probably heard someone refer to another person or to themselves as a person of faith. When people find out I'm a pastor, sometimes they will say, 'Oh, I'm a person of faith as well.' That doesn't necessarily mean they are a Christian or that they believe the bible; it just means they have some sort of system of belief they have chosen to believe and adhere to. The truth is everyone lives by faith. You might say, 'What about atheists?' Their faith is in the belief that doesn't God exists. There is no absolute empirical evidence that God either exists or doesn't exist. You gather all the facts and evidence you can find, then you have to take the next step of faith deciding which direction you'll go. To believe God exists or doesn't not exist takes a measure of faith. Maybe you've read the book 'I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist'. Christianity takes faith. Atheism takes faith. Every belief system in between takes faith.

What that means is that every single is a person of faith. We all live by faith to some degree. There are things you trust, believe, and do without absolute verifiable evidence. If you didn't, you'd never get out of bed in the morning because it would be way to scary. So, being a person of faith isn't hard or unique. It's worldwide. So, the question isn't a matter of being a person of faith, but what is the object in which our faith is placed. That's what differentiates biblical faith from every other kind of faith.

Last week, we talked about what Biblical faith is. We said: Biblical Faith BELIEVES what God has revealed and TRUSTS what God has promised then lives life accordingly. Real faith always includes action.

God has revealed Himself in three primary ways:

1. Through the Creation of His Universe. Rom 1 says that the existence, nature, character of the eternal Godhead can be se ...

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