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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-3
This content is part of a series.

You Gotta Have Faith (18 of 29)
Series: Once and For All
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 11:1-3

If you pay close attention when you're reading the Bible, you'll notice that whenever God was about to do something amazing in or through the life of a person, He almost always asked them to do something first.

- Before God turned it into a snake, He told Moses to hold out his rod.
- Before God parted the rushing waters of the Jordon, He told the priests to step into the water.
- Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He told them to roll back to stone.
- Before Jesus miraculously fed the 5,000, He told the disciples to go and collect some food.

Over and over throughout Scripture, God would tell a person, or a group of people, to do something small in faith that would lead to something incredible through His power and love. It's not that God couldn't do the incredible without people doing their part; it's that He chose to include the people in the miraculous work He wanted to do in them and through them. Could it be that we're not seeing God move in miraculous, powerful ways in our marriages, jobs, churches, simply because we have chosen to sit back & not step out in faith first?

Open your bible to Hebrews 11. This is known as the 'faith chapter' of the bible. You know why? Because it's a masterful treatise on faith. The writer is going to teach us what real faith is and what real faith does. Living as a godly man or woman requires us to live by actions that demonstrate our faith in God. Faith in a Christian's life is so important that v6 says that 'without faith it is impossible to please God.' Nothing you do pleases God apart from faith.

Remarkably, it doesn't say, 'without love it's impossible to please God' or 'without hope it's impossible to please God'. Even though those statements are true, the bible says, 'without faith it's impossible to please God'. More than anything else God calls His children to be people of fai ...

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