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by Ryan Heller

Scripture: Psalms 121
This content is part of a series.

Help Is On The Way (Part 2 of 2)
The Rock
Ryan Heller
Psalm 121

Have you ever needed help? I remember as a college student, I needed some assistance with my grades. I have a little bit of dyslexia. Sometimes I have some trouble reading, writing and comprehending. Sometimes writing and spelling is challenging for me. I went to a really large university and I kind of learned if I'm going to meet the academic standards, I've got to find some help.

I started forming study groups for some of my more difficult classes. Generally speaking smart kids don't need a group because they already know the material. Generally speaking, the kids who like study groups aren't much help. They attend a group because they didn't get the marterial themselves. However, I discovered if the study group was fun the smart kids would come and answer all my questions. My job was organize the group and make sure everyone had a great time. Needless to say, I was the king of study group.

I also had a freshman roommate that was a pre-med major. He's now an OBGYN. He's basically a rocket scientist type guy. I discovered that he needed to take freshman biology and I did too. I said, "Why don't we be lab partners?" That semester I made highest grade of my college career in biology lab. I'm telling you, I made a 98. I think I made a C- in the class. But I was killing it in the lab thanks to my doctor roommate.

Then I actually had a girlfriend that was a journalism major and she could write. I'm telling you, she could take my papers and edit them and work things around. It was amazing. I remember thinking, "I hope we don't break up before the end of the semester because I'm in trouble if we do, I'm toast."

Have you ever needed some help? I learned that by relying on someone else, I could get the ball across the goal line. Sometimes we look at asking for help as a sign of weakness. But when we read the scripture, the Bible actually tells us that relying on someone else is a sign of w ...

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