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by Ryan Heller

Scripture: Psalms 40:1-4
This content is part of a series.

My Foot Is On The Rock (Part 1 of 2)
The Rock
Ryan Heller
Psalm 40:1-4

Everybody goes through seasons when life is the pits. Maybe you're in a pit this morning. You're trying to figure out, "How can I get out of the pit?" Pits come in so many sizes and shapes. There's the pit of despair. There's the pit of disillusionment. There's the pit of discouragement. You may be in a whole variety of different pits. You may say, "Ryan, I'm in all of the above. I got lots of pits." God has a great word today to say to us about getting up out of the pits of our life.

If we're not careful, we can become so accustomed to living in the pits, that we stop believeing things could be different. Sometimes you've been in the pit so long, you put pictures on the wall, you're settling in, you feel cozy in the pit. It just feels natural and homish. You don't believe that life could ever be any different. Oh my goodness, God has a great word for us today that is quite the contrary. God wants you to get up out of that pit. I want to inspire you today by the word of God to believe God for some great things in your life.

Please open your Bibles to Psalm 40. We're going to be looking at this passage of scripture. It's interesting because Psalm 40 is actually a trilogy. King David, the king of Israel, wrote Psalm 38, Psalm 39, and Psalm 40. It's all one scenario. It's all one situation. It's kind of like Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. You can't really get Psalm 40 If you didn't get Psalm 38 and 39.

David has committed some terrible sin. The Bible doesn't say exactly what he had done. But David has done something embarrassing. People are criticizing him. He is physically ill in Psalm 38 over the mistakes that he's made. Life is bad. Life is hard. David is wondering, "Am I going to make it out of this?" He is so discouraged. His friends have turned on him. He's embarrassed. His reputation has been destroyed. He doesn't even know if he's going to be ...

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