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by Zach Terry

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-34
This content is part of a series.

The Resurrection - Part 1 (15 of 17)
1 Corinthians
Zach Terry
1 Corinthians 15:1-34


So far, Paul has dealt primarily with practical issues within the church at Corinth. In chapter 15 he makes a shift to a more doctrinal matter - the issue of Resurrection.

The modern church has relegated the issue or resurrection to one out of 52 Sundays a year - Easter. This was not the case in the ancient church. The doctrine of the resurrection was something that was visited on a weekly basis. It was the theological key for the entire religion.

The concept of celebrating the birth of Christ, or Christmas began after Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Dec. 25th was consider the "Dies Solis Invitcti Nati" or the "Day of Birth of the Unconquered Sun". So the Roman Church, "Christianized" that pagan holiday as the date of the celebration of Christ's birth.

I'm glad they did - the birth of Christ is certainly something we should celebrate. It is, however, never commanded in the NT. Not one time are we told to remember the birth of Christ. Paul hardly mentioned it at all in his epistles.

The early church was not fascinated with the birth of Christ, nor was it fascinated with Mary the earthly mother of Christ.

It is, however, fair to say that the early church was OBSESSED with the Resurrection of Christ.

Resurrection was the key factor that separated Christianity from all of the other world religions.

- Confucius died and he was buried.
- Lao-tzu, the father of Taoism wandered off into the wilderness and died with his water buffalo.
- The Buddha rotted away with food poisoning.
- Muhammad died in 632 and his body was cut up and spread all over the Near East.

Jesus Christ died and lived again, and lives today. Consider the fact that somewhere there is a Heaven, and in that Heaven a Temple, and in that Temple a throne, and on that Throne sits a living, breathing, resurrected GOD/MAN. His earthly m ...

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