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by Zach Terry

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
This content is part of a series.

Spiritual Gifts - Part 2 (12 of 17)
1 Corinthians
Zach Terry
1 Corinthians 12:12-31


FIRST ADAM - When God created the Heaven's and and Earth, day after day the sun would set under the joyful gaze of the Creator as He admired his handywork and in the Hebrew it says, "Elohim Ra'ha Tobe", "God Beheld Good"

When the first week was complete we read...
- Elohim Ra'ha Mehode Tobe" - "God Beheld Very Good"... notice he meditates on this.. he doesn't speak it.

But then after Adam began to administer this new world, Adam found no companion... and

- God thought and said..."Low Tobe" - "Not Good"

Consider, Adam had no sin nature, he was in perfect fellowship with his Creator.. nevertheless, something was missing. And that missing element could no be filled by anything in all of creation except for other people.

If Adam in his SINLESS state needed communion with others... how much more do you and I?

SECOND ADAM - Then consider the Second Adam, Jesus Christ. Imagine him there as he has just sang a hymn at the conclusion of the last supper... He and his followers have made their way to a garden called Gethsemane.

It would be there that the covenant would be initiated... The courtroom precedings would begin where ultimately the guilt of us all would be placed on our Savior. As Jesus stepped into that dark garden, He invited three friends, Peter, James and John to go with him through this greatest of all trials.

If the Second Adam in his SAVING state needed communion with others... how much more do you and I?

God has designed each one of us to be wonderfully DEFICIENT and DEPENDENT on on other. Every single member of the body vitally important, but absolutely none sufficient in and of themselves.

CONTEXT: This was a truth the Corinthian Church had difficulty embracing. They had begun to believe that some members who had certain gifts were somehow superior to other members with other gifts. In fact, this was so extreme ...

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