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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 35:16-29, Genesis 36:1-43
This content is part of a series.

Lessons from Life’s Transitions
Robert Dawson
Genesis 35:16-36:43

Have you ever seen a play in person? I have enjoyed the ones at the High School over the years. We have always had some of our teenagers here at the church involved in the drama and music program as well as sports, cheer, and band.

In the production, you have the storyline, the actors and music but also the set, props, sound, and lighting. Part of the lighting system are the spotlights.

They shine on the main characters and drama taking place on stage. They help focus our attention where it should be even though there may be other things taking place on stage, things not as important or other characters and scenes in transition. When the story shifts, the spotlight shifts.

In our journey through Genesis, the spotlight is about to shift from Jacob to his sons, one son in particular. It's not that Jacob won't be part of the story or will not appear on stage, but he will not be center-stage and in the spot-light.

As the spotlight pans from one part of covenant history to another we catch a glimpse of a few brief scenes in Jacob's life as we prepare ourselves to focus on new characters and the continuation of the story.

While these scenes appear to be interruptions in the narrative or extraneous filler, they do serve a purpose.

I want to summarize these events which consists of 3 deaths, an act of deceit and list of descendants, put them in context of our story and then pull out a few lessons of faith for us.

First the deaths.

At Bethel, Deborah, who had been Rebekah's nurse died and they buried her. Rebekah was Jacob's mother. It is more than just a little curious that we would be given this bit of information.
- We have heard nothing about this person since a simple reference back in Genesis 24.59 when we are told that Rebekah and her nurse/maidservant left with Abraham's servant. She is not even mentioned by name.
- We never hear anything from this person. We ...

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