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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6

The Comfortable Church
Jerry N. Watts
Revelation 3:1-6

"The Bible is our Guidebook." It guides us in times of needs, blessing, and even how to live. You have hurts, it helps, decisions, it guides, questions about the future, it shows possible outcomes. Last year we began Revelation and made it through 4 of the seven churches found The Careless Church (Ephesus), The Confronted Church (Smyrna), The Compromised Church (Pergamum), and the Corrupted Church (Thyatira). From each church we learned things not to do and to do if we are to please Jesus. Today we learn from the church at Sardis, the Comfortable Church .
As I prayed for how to best prepare us for our effort at Revival, God has brought me back here. For the next 3 weeks, we return to Revelation to allow God to make us ready for the Revival He wants to send. (Let's read) For me, this is startling, but very instructive for the church in America today. Let understand truths about this church.

1. The Condition of the Church- We find this in two statements, "I Know Your Works and you have a reputation of being alive." It is more than interesting that to 5 of 7 churches, Jesus says, "I know your works." To the other two, He says, "I know where you live" and "I know what you are living through." To put this succinctly, "HE KNOWS IT ALL." He knows the good, bad, ugly, righteous, wicked, faithful, and unfaithful, He knows and sees it all. Now, in light of this truth, Jesus continues, "You have a reputation of being alive." That sounds really good. Among people, they are saying good things. About the church in Sardis, people knew things, just like today. If they were a church in the 21st century, we would hear things like, "They have the best _____". You can fill in that blank with whatever lights your fire. They have the best, "Worship Ministry, Music, Youth, Students, Women's, Men's, Cooks, even buildings, and the list goes on. Don't miss this, they were the happening church, people were talking about the ...

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