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by Zach Terry

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1-34, 1 Corinthians 14:1-40
This content is part of a series.

The Role of Christian Women in the Church (9 of 17)
1 Corinthians
Zach Terry
1 Corinthians 11 & 14

INTRODUCTION: Each year church's from our denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, sends messengers to the Annual Meeting. During that meeting we hear reports from various entities, seminaries, mission boards, etc. We also tackle challenges faced by our churches around the world.

This year there arose a concern about one of the largest churches in our denomination - Saddleback Church in Lake Forrest California. The founding Pastor Rick Warren, author of the Purpose Driven Life is nearing his retirement. When it came time to select a replacement, the Elders of the Church selected a Husband and Wife team to lead Saddleback into the future - Andy and and Stacie Wood.

A messenger had previously asked the credentials committee to look into the appointing of the wife, Stacie as one of the Lead Pastors of Saddleback due to ARTICLE 11 in the Baptist Faith and Message which states, "(the Church's) scriptural officers are pastors and deacons. While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture."

The credentials committee reported back stating that they needed to seek more clarity on what exactly constitutes a PASTOR. Folks, if our leaders don't know what a Pastor is, we have big problems as a denomination.

Common Doctrine is meaningless without a Common Dictionary

Saddleback was not reprimanded or discouraged in any way from its appointment of a Female Pastor despite the Doctrinal Statement to the contrary.

I cannot speak for where Southern Baptists or any network of churches will land on these things. I can, however, teach you what the Bible says. And that really is where our focus needs to be - Denominations come and go, but the Word of the Lord endures forever.

A reporter once chastised Billy Graham saying, "your religious convictions have set the church back 50 ...

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