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by Zach Terry

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Lawsuits Among Believers (4 of 17)
1 Corinthians
Zach Terry
1 Corinthians 6:1-11


JOKE: A doctor, priest and lawyer had a wealthy friend on his deathbed. The wealthy man tells them "I know they say you can't take it with you but I'm willing to try. I'm going to give each of you duffel bags with 5 million in cash in each bag and at my funeral I want each of you to put it in my grave". Sure enough the wealthy man passes and the 3 friends meet up at the funeral.

The Doctor, looking downcast, says "listen guys, I feel so guilty. But I used the money to start my new practice, build my new home, and take a much needed vacation. The money is gone.

The Pastor said "I too have a confession to make. My church was falling apart, my flock was leaving and I had to compete with the new mega church down the street, so I have also spent all of the 5 million dollars.

The Lawyer looks at both of them in disgust. "I'm so ashamed of both of you! He was our friend and you should have honored his wishes. It's just criminal what you men have done" He then walked up to the casket and slipped in a check for 5 million dollars.

As I have mentioned before, we have an abundance of lawyers in our congregation. While today's text applies to each of us, it may be of special interest to our brothers and sisters in the legal community.

CONTEXT: Remember that so far in our study we have seen how WORLDY PHILOSOPHY had crept into the church at Corinth. Last week we saw how SEXUAL IMMORALITY had crept in. Today, we see a third cultural phenomenon that was prevalent in the city of Corinth - a very public JUDICIAL system.

In the center of Corinth in the most prominent place, stood a large marble platform called the Bema Seat. The Bema is where all judicial meetings were held.

Thousands would gather before the Bema. The Roman PROCONSUL would preside over the hearing. A local TRIBUNAL would serve as Judges. Lawyers would make their cases. Then the JURY was not m ...

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