by Craig Smith
Scripture: Matthew 11:2-6
This content is part of a series.
Managing Expectations (2 of 3)
From Silence to Celebration
Craig Smith
Matthew 11:2-6
The first part of the series we're kind of leaning into the silence part of it, the from silence to celebration, right? Leaning into the silence part a little bit. And today I wanna talk to you about the role of silence in identifying and managing our expectations, because expectations are powerful.
Do you know that? Expectations are powerful. Uh, when we were expecting our, uh, our first daughter, Rochelle, somebody gave cut a book. It was called What to Expect When You're Expecting. Anybody Remember that book? Anybody else Get one of those? Maybe you've given some people. It's a pretty cool book. I, I thought it was pretty cool.
And, and I, I picked it up at one point cause like, well, I'm expecting too, right? So, you know, what has this got to say for me? And in the beginning of every chapter, they had like one chapter for every month of pregnancy, and at the beginning of each chapter, there was a little section that would say, you know, what's going on with your body this month?
Or what's going on with your baby this month? I like the baby part. I didn't like the body part. I like the baby part. The baby parts would say things like, you know, your baby's developing a heartbeat this month. Your baby's developing eyelids this month. I, I really liked that. That was cool. But, but then they always said that, what's happening in your body?
And I'll be honest, like, that one made me a little que. Right, and here's what I, here's what I discovered, just absolute truth. What I discovered was as I looked at all these changes that were going in play taking place in my wife's body, I was like, huh. Yeah. If, if giving birth to babies was the responsibility of men, the human race would've died out thousands of years ago.
Like as I, I would not be up for that. Right? Not, not in a, not in a long shot. Right? Um, but when the whole thing was over, when, when we had ...
From Silence to Celebration
Craig Smith
Matthew 11:2-6
The first part of the series we're kind of leaning into the silence part of it, the from silence to celebration, right? Leaning into the silence part a little bit. And today I wanna talk to you about the role of silence in identifying and managing our expectations, because expectations are powerful.
Do you know that? Expectations are powerful. Uh, when we were expecting our, uh, our first daughter, Rochelle, somebody gave cut a book. It was called What to Expect When You're Expecting. Anybody Remember that book? Anybody else Get one of those? Maybe you've given some people. It's a pretty cool book. I, I thought it was pretty cool.
And, and I, I picked it up at one point cause like, well, I'm expecting too, right? So, you know, what has this got to say for me? And in the beginning of every chapter, they had like one chapter for every month of pregnancy, and at the beginning of each chapter, there was a little section that would say, you know, what's going on with your body this month?
Or what's going on with your baby this month? I like the baby part. I didn't like the body part. I like the baby part. The baby parts would say things like, you know, your baby's developing a heartbeat this month. Your baby's developing eyelids this month. I, I really liked that. That was cool. But, but then they always said that, what's happening in your body?
And I'll be honest, like, that one made me a little que. Right, and here's what I, here's what I discovered, just absolute truth. What I discovered was as I looked at all these changes that were going in play taking place in my wife's body, I was like, huh. Yeah. If, if giving birth to babies was the responsibility of men, the human race would've died out thousands of years ago.
Like as I, I would not be up for that. Right? Not, not in a, not in a long shot. Right? Um, but when the whole thing was over, when, when we had ...
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