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by Dr. Ed Young

Scripture: ISAIAH

Foolishness or Faith
Ed Young

In the book of Isaiah God says; ''My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways. For as the heaven in higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.'' This morning we're going to walk through one of the most fascinating and central themes of the entire word of God: the doctrine of the Lamb. And I trust that as we walk through this doctrine we're going to see with clarity how God's ways are higher and different than ours.

I grew up in Monterey, Mexico. I grew up in a Jewish home, a conservative Jewish home. Like Gary said, my parents had to leave Germany because they were Jews. But growing up in Mexico in a predominantly Catholic country, I found myself occasionally going to Catholic mass. And for many years, I heard many things said, but there was one phrase that stuck to my mind, a phrase that I have never been able to forget. It was a responsive saying. The priest would say, ''Codero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo.'' The congregation would respond, ''Tal ti edad de

no-strsandamp;-'' Translata-d; ''Lamb of God- who takes away the sin of the world.'' The congregation would respond, ''Have mercy on us.'' I have to admit to you that for many years I did not understand what it meant. But it made absolutely no sense to me. I thought it was foolishness. But when I became a Christian eight years ago, I began to have a desire to know more about the word of God. And then I realized that not only this phrase was not foolishness but that this phrase made sense, that it was the divine plan of God and that in the divine plan of God, believing in the Lamb is not called foolishness, it is called faith. Please pray with me.

Father, we love you. Father, we come to You this morning and thank You for allowing us to come into Your presence. We want to know more about Your thoughts and about Your ways. Open our hearts and open our minds we ask You. Sp ...

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