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by James Merritt

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-28
This content is part of a series.

Model Mom
Family Ties
James Merritt
I Samuel 1: 1-28


1. We are in a series we are calling "Family Ties" and we have been dealing with the various constituents if you will of the traditional family. We have talked to husbands, wives, and fathers. Today, we are going to talk to and about mothers. Now I know from both having one and being married to one and that dad may be the head of the home, but mother is the heart of the home. I read one time where someone said, "A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take."

2. I told you the hardest job that I've ever had in my life was being a dad, but I would be the first to admit that in many ways I believe a dad has a much easier job than a mom. It is just not easy being a mother. Of course, we all know what makes being a mother so difficult and that is kids. There was a mother who had three sons and they were just rambunctious. They fought all the time, were always getting into mischief and it seems like this mother was always either being a police officer or a probation officer most of the time.

3. One day she and her next door neighbor were talking and the mother was just describing how exhausted she was. Her neighbor said, "If you had to do it all over again would you have children?" She said, "Absolutely, but not the same ones!"

4. I would like to say to all moms today my hats are off to you for not only who you are, but what you do. I honestly believe there is not a more powerful or influential force in the world than a godly mother. The number one reason I am a follower of Jesus today is because of the prayers of a godly mother. The reason I am in the ministry today is because of the prayers of her godly mother.

5. Today, we are going to look at what I call a "Model Mom." [Turn to I Samuel 1] In estimation, though not very well known, she is one of the greatest women in the Bible. Her name was Hannah. If you name is Ann, Annie, or Anna yo ...

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