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by James Merritt

Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-24
This content is part of a series.

Here Comes The Bride
Family Ties
James Merritt
Ephesians 5:21-24


1. We are in a series that we are calling "Family Ties," and we purposely started out by talking about the foundation of the family and how a family begins primarily when a man marries a woman and they become husband and wife. Last week we talked about the husband. Today, we talk about the wife. It is said that marriage is when a man and a woman become one and the trouble starts when they try to decide which one.

2. From the very first marriage that took place in the Garden of Eden, though God intended for two to become one, there is still two that become one. Though the two become one physically at a moment in time, continuing to become one while remaining two is always a work in progress. Now some people may even wonder why I am even bothering talking about marriage when it seems to be going out of existence before our very eyes. For the first time in American history, less than half of the adults of marrying age are married. More people do not even see the need or the necessity for marriage, but those who do have watched marriage be redefined in a way unprecedented in the history of the world.

3. I am still interested about what God thinks about marriage and what God says about marriage. It is not coincidental that God's word begins with a wedding between Adam and Eve and ends with a wedding between Christ and the church.

4. Biblically speaking there are three human institutions that stand apart from all of the others: the family, the church and the state. (1) He could have created any one of those first, but he started with marriage. There is a reason why I believe that goes all the way back to the very beginning.

5. From the beginning of time, God inserted into the DNA of this planet the building blocks of relationships. God created us in such a way that our life was meant to revolve around two primary relationships: our vertical relationship with God and ou ...

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