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by James Merritt

Scripture: Ephesians 5:23, Ephesians 5:25-33
This content is part of a series.

Here Comes the Groom
Family Ties
James Merritt
Ephesians 5:23, 25-33


1. I have a black mark on my ministry that I have never been able to get over. Almost every time I do a wedding it comes back to haunt me. The first marriage ceremony I ever conducted for the first couple that I ever officially joined together as man and wife ended in divorce. I was pastoring my first church which was a small little country church. I had no experience, was literally flying by the seat of my pants, and didn't know much about pre-marital counseling. I didn't know it, but the man had already been married before, but he never told me. I found out later he was a bad husband and was the major cause of the divorce. I learned a valuable lesson that too many times marriages have bad endings because perhaps unknowingly they didn't have good beginnings.

2. Every person that desires to get married is always looking for the right person. Whether it is a science or an art when you think when you find the right person you should live happily ever after. The problem is it is far more difficult to find that right person than you might think.

3. There was a woman that found a lamp on the beach and it turned out to be a magic lamp. She rubbed it and out popped a genie. Before she could say anything the genie immediately said, "Understand, I am a one wish genie so you only get one shot. What will it be?" She pulled out a map of the world and she had scores of countries circled. She said, "Do you see these countries?" She said, "Here in America, I want you to eliminate all the political division that we have. I want you to stop the war between Ukraine and Russia. I want you to eliminate all the tribal warfare that is going on in Africa and end the nuclear proliferation in North Korea and end all the hatred in countries like India and Pakistan. I want you to take communism away from Cuba and Russia and China.

4. She was going to continue but the genie stopped her. He ...

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