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by David Davis

Scripture: I Chronicles 28:10

Facing a New Challenge for the New Year
Dr. David Davis
I Chronicles 28:10

I Chronicles 28:10 - "Take heed now; for the Lord hath chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary: be strong and do it."

As we enter a new new year, we can be thankful for your faithful service. What a tremendous tribute and testimony to the grace of God.

However, God doesn't want us to rest on our past accomplishments of this past year. He is giving us a mandate to "cross over into a new new". He is the God of the universe, and He is still on His throne!

There are several things in this verse that must get our attention if we are going to cross over into the new year.


"Take heed now..."

The word "take" carries with it the idea of possession, grasping hold of, acceptance. We must be willing to possess and grasp hold of the chaIlenge set forth in crossing over into a new year. We must be willing to accept the challenge. When? NOW!

Every member of this church is going to have to decide whether you want to cross over and it is going to calI for a decision on your part. No one else can make that decision but you.

Life is fulI of decisions. The future of the church is going to rest on what you decide. The decision we make will have a lasting effect on eternity.

Think about the word "decision''· Your decision will affect:

1. Evangelism

People drop into helI every single day alI around the world. They telI us that of the 8 billion people on the face of the earth - that if you were to line up all the lost people - that line would circle the globe sixty times and that lines grows 40 miles a day.

You are either moving forward or you are moving backward. There is no stand still in the Christian life.

Listen to the most sobering verses in the Bible describing a church:

Revelation 3:1 - "And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write: These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the sev ...

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