Scripture: Luke 1, Luke 1:2, Luke 1:3, Luke 1:4, Luke 1:5, Luke 1:6, Luke 1:7, Luke 1:8, Luke 1:9, Luke 1:10, Luke 1:11, Luke 1:12, Luke 1:13, Luke 1:14, Luke 1:15, Luke 1:16, Luke 1:17, Luke 1:18, Luke 1:19, Luke 1:20, Luke 1:21, Luke 1:22, Luke 1:23, Luke 1:24, Luke 1:25, Luke 1:26, Luke 1:27, Luke 1:28, Luke 1:29, Luke 1:30, Luke 1:31, Luke 1:32, Luke 1:33, Luke 1:34, Luke 1:35, Luke 1:36, Luke 1:37, Luke 1:38, Luke 1:39, Luke 1:40, Luke 1:41, Luke 1:42, Luke 1:43, Luke 1:44, Luke 1:45, Luke 1:46, Luke 1:47, Luke 1:48, Luke 1:49, Luke 1:50, Luke 1:51, Luke 1:52, Luke 1:53, Luke 1:54, Luke 1:55, Luke 1:56, Luke 1:57, Luke 1:58, Luke 1:59, Luke 1:60, Luke 1:61, Luke 1:62, Luke 1:63, Luke 1:64, Luke 1:65, Luke 1:66, Luke 1:67, Luke 1:68, Luke 1:69, Luke 1:70, Luke 1:71, Luke 1:72, Luke 1:73, Luke 1:74, Luke 1:75, Luke 1:76, Luke 1:77, Luke 1:78, Luke 1:79, Luke 1:80
This content is part of a series.
Series: Luke
Harley Howard
Luke 1
AUTHOR: There are some interesting facts about Luke that may challenge many assumptions that we may have about him. First of all, only Paul mentions Luke by name, as he is never referred to by anyone else in the entire Bible. Luke did not even mention his name in the gospel, nor the book of Acts, both, which he wrote. Luke was not a Jew, which leads many to believe that he was the only non-Jew to write Scripture. Of his birth, home and death, we know nothing about outside of much conjecture (guessing). What I plan to reveal about him will come from the text itself.
HIS GOSPEL: All four Gospels begin by placing Jesus within a historical setting. For example, the gospel of Matthew begins with the genealogy of Jesus that connects Him to the lineage of King David and to Abraham and revealed His Messiahship to Israel. Mark starts with the preaching of John the Baptist and bypassing the birth of Christ and the genealogy all together. John’s focus was on the deity of the Lord Jesus.
THE PURPOSE: Luke’s gospel was dedicated to Theophilus and follows that with a prediction of the birth of John the Baptist. His details concerning John Baptist and the events that led to his birth are more comprehensive than all of the other gospels. Luke wrote to Theophilus and told him in the book of Acts that he wanted to finish the former writing, which is this gospel, to give the most accurate report on the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the intent of this gospel was personal. Luke and Acts are seen as the beginning and continuation of the coming of, and the work of Christ Jesus from eyewitness accounts.
THEOPHILUS: Who was this man? We know very, very little about the man Theophilus, but there are some interesting facts that we can see about the relationship between Luke and Theophilus from what we do see in Scripture. First, his name means “Fr ...
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