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by Dr. Ed Young

Scripture: HEBREWS 5:11, NUMBERS 1:2-3

#891 November 24, 1991 A.M.
(Transcribed from actual tape)
(Hebrews 5:11-6:3)
I hope that just woke everybody up! Thank you, choir, orchestra, that was
We're studying the Book of Hebrews. Those who came with a shallow cup; they've
long since left us!
Hebrews. Tremendous book! Open your Bible, if you would, to our scripture of the
morning9, Hebrews 5-11 through the end of the chapter; then Hebrews 6, the first
three verses. Let's bow for prayer together.
"Father, it's always exciting and thrilling and uplifting to be in Thy
house with our family, to have the gatherings here on Sunday morning
and Sunday evening where Your Word is opened; where Your Holy
Spirit works in every heart and every life; where there is sensitivity;
where there is hunger and always, Father, the Holy Spirit has a way of
touching that special need that all of us have. I pray right now, oh
Lord, that You will give us an unusual amount of attention today. May
our hearts, our minds be on spiritual tiptoe with great anticipation. You
speak and let me get out of the way so that Thy Word and Thy Truth
might be heard; it might be received; it might be understood and Lord,
we might put into practice for we make this prayer through Jesus
Christ, our living Lord. Amen."
Most of us, I think, are familiar with J. M. Barrie's play called Peter Pan. If you're
not familiar with the play and on Broadway with Mary Martin which ran for so many
years, I'm sure you're familiar with the movie by Walt Disney and Peter is a guy
who went around and said I won't grow up. I just won't grow up! And he lived in
Never-Never Land and the truth is, I think, there are a lot of adults here in church
this morning and you're spending most of your life like Peter Pan in Never-Never
Land and by the thrust of your life, you're saying, I won't grow up!
Somebody asked John Riggins the star fullback for the Washington Redskins in the
80's, they said John when you ret ...

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